Anna Claire

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Jack Henry

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

08/16/2008 - Texas Trip

Anna Claire took her first flight to attend her Great Grandpa's 80th birthday party in Texas. She did great on the plane (we gave her a bottle during take off and landing to avoid any potentional ear-popping) so fortunately we weren't "those people" with the crying baby :) She had a great time and really enjoyed meeting all of her great aunts, uncles and cousins from Texas!

Of course we have the other Texas pictures in an album on the right. (If we take 1 pic, we take 150 :))

08/08/2008 - Beach Trip

After several weeks of getting into a daycare and work routine, we decided that we needed a break! So, we headed down to Port St. Joe with the Polks for Anna Claire's first trip to the beach.

Joey took several pictures of us on the beach with Anna Claire in this adorable dress from Mark and Kelley. (The other pics are in 2008 Beach Trip on the right)